Krishna Prem

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Krishna Prem here. I woke up one fine morning in Osho India and decided to give away my books for free. Yes, for free. I am embedding both my books Gee You Are You and Aloneness A Love Story right here on this page. Just click away... you can read them here or you can download the books on your computer. And don't stop there, please send this page of my website to your friends. Let the good reads roll.

There is no hitch here. My body is too old at 81 to hold onto my mind. My books are a gift to you my friends. Are the books great, the answer is no. Is the message in the books great, the answer is yes. My feeling is that if you read my two books, you will take off on a jet plane towards the unknowable. Fasten your seat belts. 

Aloneness A Love Story Cover


If you prefer paper, my books are available at Amazon. Email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions... or answers. A warm embrace, kp

