Krishna Prem

Krishna Prem personal 01


Welcome to my new life...  

Click on and join me and our friends in meditation and delight. You may well recognize many of your friends and want to join them in your home during this time of isolation around the globe. You might want to get back into your body with Satyarthi while he leads us in Myofascial Unwinding.  Or practice Tai Chi with Terry Hodgkinson. Or dance with Prateeksha. Or just get comfy and breathe with Anahata, Omkar, and Spersa. If you want to kill your partner, may I suggest you meditate with Krishnananda and Amana first! Or if you are alone and are going bonkers, join Tara and talk to your inner child. My brother and best friend, Dr. Brian Alman, will show us how to use hypnosis to go deeper into meditation. Plus, there are many more friends to play with – pick your pleasure. Speaking of pleasure, Kimaya leads us in a Tantra Technique from Osho's Book of Secrets which can be done with a partner... or ALONE.

Really, I asked 21 of our best friends to meditate with you in the comfort of your own home. All the meditations are between 2 and 20 minutes so take your choiceless choice and enjoy.


Write to Krishna Prem at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you love me and also if you want to unsubscribe.

All Osho quotes copyright Osho International Foundation