Krishna Prem

"Gee You Are You… a book by Krishna Prem is a journey from here

“Enlightenment, the very idea of enlightenment, is the greatest joke there is. It is a joke because it is trying to get something that is already there. It is trying to reach somewhere where you are already. It is trying to get rid of something that is not there at all. It is an effort that is ridiculous.
You are enlightened from the very beginning. Enlightenment is your nature. Enlightenment is not something that has to be achieved, it is not a goal. It is your source. It is your very energy.

Enlightenment is not something in the future, it is your presentness. Become aware of it now. This is it."



to here"

Gee You Are You puts a human face on enlightenment.

It does take a certain amount of intelligence and a good sense of humor to get a cosmic joke… please first see if your brain works normally.

If your brain works normally this is neat.

If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot, the dots will remain only one color, pink.

However if you stare at the black '+' in the centre, the moving dot turns to green.

Now, concentrate on the black ' + ' in the centre of the picture.

After a short period, all the pink dots will slowly disappear, and you will only see only a single green dot rotating.

It's amazing how our brain works. There really is no green dot, and the pink ones really don't disappear.

This should be proof enough, we don't always see what we think we see .

"“Awareness cannot exist with duality, and mind cannot exist without duality. Awareness is non-dual, and mind is dual. So just watch. I don't teach you any solutions. I teach you the solution:
Just get back a little and watch. Create a distance between you and your mind.”



If you are still enjoying this newsletter, it is proof positive that you are ready teddy to read my first chapter at your earliest convenience… just push on my belly button below.

I am thrilled that your brain is working properly and you have a great sense of humor so that you will be ok even if my book is never finished… you certainly don’t need it to be you… but I am concerned that you are not aware of your inner man/inner woman so I am adding chapter 2 highlights below.

And if you would rather watch my book, just push my button and catch up with me in a 7 part interview on YouTube… by the way that is Sam next to me… Sam is doing simply fine… and if you want to blow him a kiss, email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

"Not a single person is born in the world who has not a certain capacity which will make him proud, who is not pregnant with something to produce, to give birth to something new and beautiful, to make the existence richer. There is not a single person who has come into the world empty.”



Yes, check me out at

Love and Laughter is, Krishna Prem.



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"The Fountain of Youth"

High Friends… Krishna Prem here… to remind you that one of the benefits of meditation is that you will remain eternally young… I look the same as I did when I met Osho 36 years ago. Here is proof positive:

"Maturity means gaining your lost innocence again, reclaiming your paradise, becoming a child again.

Maturity is a spiritual birth. You are born anew, you are a child again. With fresh eyes you start looking at existence. With love in the heart you approach life. With silence and innocence you penetrate your own innermost core. You are no more just the head. Now you use the head, but it is your servant. First you become the heart, and then you transcend even the heart... Going beyond thoughts and feelings and becoming a pure isness is maturity. Maturity is the ultimate flowering of meditation."



Plus through meditation, I now know that the only thing that is permanent is change.

"You have lost your manhood, you have bargained for security. You are secure and comfortable and everything has been planned by others. And they have put everything on the map, they have measured everything. This is all absolutely foolish because life cannot be measured, it is immeasurable. And no map is possible because life is in constant flux. Everything goes on changing. Nothing is permanent except change."



To prove to you how young I feel, check me out as Old Spice... this is a command performance by the legendary Spice Boys at the OSHO International Meditation Resort, Pune, India on the New Years' Eve Party. Simply click of the arrow below and watch me perform like a sex machine.

I also love being on the other side of the camera... here I am supporting Penelope Cruz who went on to win best supporting actress at the Academy Awards this year... congradulations Penelope.

One of the benefits of being a mature meditator is that I have learned that i am not my body... and even though i am not my body, I take care of my temple by eating right and exercising... and taking annual medical checkups.

What Buddha means is: the mind talks -- the mind is a part. And when he says the body knows, he means the WHOLE knows. Buddha always used the word 'body' for the whole; it is not the same as when YOU use the word 'body'. When you use the word 'body' it is a part; body, mind, soul, these are three parts in your mind, in your thought processes. This is how you have divided yourself. When Buddha says the body he means your wholeness: "This very body the Buddha, this very earth the Lotus Paradise." When he uses the word 'body' he means your wholeness, your totality. The mind talks, your totality knows.



Needless to say my last wife was not a meditator and died prematurely… I am about to marry for the umpteenth time and I insist that my new bride be an Osho lover and that if she doesn’t ‘maditate’ daily that this is immediate grounds for divorce.

Laughter is, Krishna Prem.

Ps… You are invited to my new improved website at



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"Born Again"

"Maturity means gaining your lost innocence again, reclaiming your paradise, becoming a child again. Of course it has a difference, because the ordinary child is bound to be corrupted, but when you reclaim your childhood you become incorruptible. Nobody can corrupt you, you become intelligent enough. Now you know what the society has done to you and you are alert and aware, and you will not allow it to happen again.

Maturity is a rebirth, a spiritual birth. You are born anew, you are a child again. With fresh eyes you start looking at existence. With love in the heart you approach life. With silence and innocence you penetrate your own innermost core. You are no more just the head. Now you use the head, but it is your servant." Osho

All you need is love … and with a dash of courage you are on the right path to see your original face.

"The mirror of meditation never lies,

and it does not flatter.

It is impartial and innocent

and it never projects anything.

It only faithfully shows your real original face,

the face we never show to the world,

the face that we ourselves have forgotten.

So it is possible

that you yourself

may not be able to recognize it the first time!

But do not escape from it.

Face it and you will come to know it and recognize it.

This confrontation is the first test of courage on

the inner way." Osho 

So firstly, what is the meaning of courage to great meditators like ourselves?

What is the meaning of courage?

Is it to fight a bull in a bullfight?

Is it to drive a formula 1 car?

Is it to practice free fall parachuting?

Is it bungee jumping, wild water rafting?

Is it to gamble your salary on a coin toss?

Is it to insult your boss?

Is it to do two dynamic meditations back to back?

…that is nothing… THIS is COURAGE!!!

I actually learned to be courageous by studying hypnosis with my brother Dr. Brian Alman… Brian went to live and study with Dr. Milton Erikson, the father of modern hypnosis at the same time I came to live with Osho in the early seventies… below is a picture of Brian and Dr. Erickson 35 years ago… if you press on the arrow below you can watch Brian in action right now… if you like what you see, you can join Brian and myself in Rottweil Germany at the end of April.

"Self-hypnosis - For Therapists and Clients: 

How do I learn self-hypnosis - How do I teach self-hypnosis"

Dr. Brian Alman

Teaching at the Milton Erickson Institute, Rottweil, Germany

April 29th - May 3rd

Please 'right' to Brian (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and ask for the complete details… and check out his website at the same time

"God is not against life, in fact there is no other god except life. God is only a metaphor for life. To me the holy person is one who lives life totally, wholly, one who loves life, rejoices in it, one who is absolutely dedicated to life, committed to life, to all that it contains, to all that it implies.

Nothing is mundane, everything is sacred. And this whole existence is the temple. Wherever we are, we are on sacred earth and whatsoever we are doing, we are doing god's work. Even the sinner is as much in god as the saint." Osho 

In testament to the work of my brother Brian, I asked him to help me get over my dirty old man complex.

Over the past months I have forwarded funny pictures and jokes to 
friends who I thought shared the same sense of humor.

Unfortunately this wasn't the case and I seem to have upset quite a few 
people who have accused me of being sexist and shallow. If you were one 
of these people, please accept my humblest apologies.

From now on I will only send emails with a cultural or educational 
content such as old monuments, nature and other interesting structures.

Below, you'll find a picture of the Pont Neuf Bridge in Paris .

For those of you who are interested, Pont Neuf is the oldest bridge in 
Paris and took 26 years to build. Construction began in 1578 and ended 
in 1604. 'Le Pont Neuf' is actually made of 2 independent bridges, one 
with seven arches and the other with five arches.








Laughter is, Krishna Prem.

Ps… You are invited to my new improved website at



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"Regaining Consciousness in ’09"

I am amazed and disappointed how many friends thought I was I was a dirty old snowman in my past life when they received my new year’s newsletter a year ago… so let me be straight with you… from lifetime to lifetime, we often change sexes… as a snowwoman, I am happy to say that this snowman was in fact ‘bottom’ heavy… and I escaped certain abuse and lost 3 kilos by rolling downhill just in the nick of time.

Having set the record straight, it wasn’t for lifetimes later that I realized what an absolute tease being a woman can be… and as Mona Lisa, I got so antsy sitting for Leonardo da Vinci that I couldn’t resist flashing him… when I could not even get a raise out of Leo, I simply found it difficult to work up a smile.

By the time, I reincarnated as a man I was so sexually confused, I just juggled with my balls and found myself absolutely confused between what is real and what is an illusion.

Finally after life after life, flip-flopping between being a man and a woman, I can honestly say that I respect the opposite sex unconditionally… and that my heart is always in the right place.

I also want to suggest on this entrance to 2009, that I have come a long way from being an ape to being a computer nerd in this lifetime.

So if you are having difficulty viewing this newsletter, just click on the link below. 
and the pictures will magically appear… and from now on this feature will be at the beginning of the credits at the end of the newsletter.

And while you are at it, please consider that my newsletter is still a baby and so if you know any teenies or beyond in love with Osho, simply copy and paste the above link in the subject line in an email so I can get this cosmic joke out to old friends who may be taking life seriously at present.

More importantly, Veeresh and company are making a special guest appearance in the OSHO Multiversity here in Pune from January 10th -January 18th… you are invited to join in… I have highlighted a beautiful video called ‘Stand by Me’ – it’s a song played by street musicians from around the world, many of whom Veeresh knew personally when he lived in the inner-city in the days before he met Osho, & so in appreciation of Veeresh’s contribution to the human condition, simply click on the button between friends.

Veeresh is available through the OSHO Humaniversity in Holland…

The New Year is upon us… if you are anything like me you have just gone unconscious for days, eating and drinking as if your death depended on it… now is time to get back to you were you once belonged… remembering, once and for all… this very body, the Buddha.

Laughter is, Krishna Prem.

Ps… You are invited to my new improved website at


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"Come fly with me"   #39

"Remember, only that which you can take with you when you leave the body is important. That means, except meditation, nothing is important. Except awareness, nothing is important, because only awareness cannot be taken away by death. Everything else will be snatched away, because everything else comes from without. 
Only awareness wells up within. That cannot be taken away. And the shadows of awareness - compassion, love - they cannot be taken away. They are intrinsic parts of awareness. You will be taking with you only whatsoever awareness you have attained. That is your only real wealth." Osho

I just returned to India and I was received warmly… and it is a delightful temperature at present… yes it is true that Mumbai is recovering from her 9/11, but already the resiliency of the Indian community is quite heart felt and life is returning to its normal chaotic state. Just before I left America for India, I saw a great quote on an art poster… it read… 'I'm tired of concepts, I want to touch somebody'… so yes I love sending you my newsletter, but even more, I look forward to hugging you one fine day in the Osho International Meditation Resort… you are always welcome here.

My very own personal understanding of life is that we need to clean up the basement of our existence through therapy… and at the same we need to clean up our attic through meditation… and that once we are have both roots and wings, we can relax in our living rooms… and enjoy.

It remains a mystery to share meditation in words… so let me enlighten you on how therapy groups have cleaned up my act.

In the tantra group all of my dreams came true. 

In the Gurdjieff Dance Class, I found out just how intelligent my right foot is… a very grounding experience.

How Smart Is Your Right Foot ?

Just try this.............. This will boggle your mind and you will keep trying over and over again to see if you can outsmart your right foot, but you can't.

1. While sitting where you are, at your desk, in front of your computer, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.

2. Now, while doing this, draw the number '6' in the air with your right hand. Your foot will change direction!

I told you so!!!! And there's nothing you can do about it. You and I both know how stupid it is, but before the day is done, you are going to try it again, if you've not already done so.

In the hypnosis for meditation training, I was able to talk to my unconscious and break the Da Vinci Code.

Written across the wall of the cave were the following symbols: 

It was considered a unique find and the writings were said to be at least three thousand years old!

The piece of stone was removed, brought to the meditation resort, and seekers from around the world came to study the ancient symbols. We spent the entire day discussing the meaning of the markings.

After a guided meditation, the group leader pointed to first drawing and said: "This is a woman. We can see these people held women in high esteem. You can also tell they were intelligent, as the next symbol is a donkey, so they were smart enough to have animals to help them till the soil. 
The next drawing is a shovel, which means they had tools to help them."

Even further proof of their high intelligence is the fish which means that if a famine hit the earth and food didn't grow, they would seek food from the sea. The last symbol appears to be the Star of David which means they were evidently Hebrews.

The entire group applauded enthusiastically.

Then this little old Jewish boy, Krishna Prem, stood up in the back of the group room and said, "Idiots, Hebrew is read from right to left......
It says: 'Holy Mackerel, Dig The Ass On That Chick!

In the Inner Man, Inner Woman group, I finally got in touch with my inner man.

So I hope you are saving your pennies to visit the Osho International Meditation Resort real soon.

"I know that you are consciousness itself, not the conscious being. Consciousness is not a quality attached to you, you are consciousness. You are totally free. So proceed from anywhere. Either be more free or be more conscious, and the other will result automatically. Be more free, and you will be more conscious. You cannot be more free unless you are more conscious. Be more conscious and you will be more free. You cannot be otherwise, because consciousness creates freedom. And when you are absolutely conscious, you are absolutely free. Then there is no cause and no purpose for you to exist. Then everything is a happening, a leela." Osho

If I have not convinced you to fly off to India, allow me to suggest you take my annual stress test as a last resort.


Read the full description before looking at the picture.

The picture below has 2 identical dolphins in it.

It was used in a case study on stress levels at St. Mary's Hospital, London.

Look at both dolphins jumping out of the water.

The dolphins are identical.

A closely monitored scientific study revealed that, in spite of the fact that the dolphins are identical, a person under stress would find differences in the two dolphins.

The more differences a person finds between the dolphins, the more stress that person is experiencing.

Look at the photograph and if you find more than one or two differences you need to go a meditation on holiday.

And if you still don't believe me, check out my new friend Matt below by pushing his button and watch this boy celebrate.

There simply is no easier way to dance then to come fly away to our meditation resort. Love is, Krishna Prem


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"Give Change A Chance"

A funny thing happened to me while I was visiting the United States… I voted for the first time in my life… I simply felt I had no choice. I dropped into to Barack Obama’s office and registered to vote and then went over to city hall to vote early before I changed my mind… while I was at Obama’s office, my picture was taken and put squarely on the front page of the Orlando Sentinel Newspaper for all to see.

My worst nightmare was that if I didn’t vote for Obama, he would lose the state of Florida by just one vote… and I didn’t want to take a chance… I kept having a reoccurring dream that this would happen.

Watch my worst nightmare here by placing your mouse over Obama’s picture… and click.

Florida is in the deep south and in rural America ‘outhouses’ are still in use… and when it became necessary to do my business, I considered running for political office.

Thanks heavens, the outhouse had electricity and I could relax and take a moment to collect myself and say a little prayer.

While I took a moment to collect my thoughts… I often get inspiration in the bathroom… I came up with a great a idea for a new emblem for America.

Laughter is, Krishna Prem.

“Relax and destroy the split that society has created in you. Say only that which you mean. Act according to your own spontaneity, never bothering about consequences. It is a small life and it should not be spoiled in thinking about consequences here and hereafter. One should live totally, intensely, joyously and just like an open book, available for anybody to read it. Of course you will not make a name in the history books. But what is the point in making a name in the history books? Live, rather than think of being remembered. You will be dead. Millions of people have lived on the earth and we don't know even their names. Accept that simple fact: that you are here for only a few days and then you will be gone. These few days are not to be wasted in hypocrisy, in fear. These days have to be rejoiced. Nobody knows anything about the future. Your heaven and your hell and your God are most probably all hypotheses, unproved. The only thing that is in your hands is your life -- make it as rich as possible. By intimacy, by love, by opening yourself to many people, you become richer. And if you can live in deep love, in deep friendship, in deep intimacy, with many people, you have lived rightly, and wherever you happen to be... you have learned the art; you will be living there, too, happily.”



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"In God We Trust"
<all others pay cash>

I am presently in the United States of America. Its been ages since I spent one month in the home of the brave and the land of my birth that I had to take an IQ test on my arrival to see if I still eligible for US citizenship. So be forewarned… check out the Turning Lady below to see if you are smart enough to visit the States.

If you see this lady turning in clockwise you are using your right brain.

If you see it the other way, you are using left brain.

Some people do see both ways, but most people see it only one way.

If you try to see it the other way and if you do see, your IQ is above 160 which is almost a genius.

Then see if you can make her go one way and then the other by shifting the brain's current.

This was proved at Yale University , over a 5 year study on the human brain
and its functions. Only 14% of the US population can see her move both ways.

“You exist in time, but you belong to eternity. You are a penetration of eternity into the world of time. You are deathless, living in a body of death. Your consciousness knows no death, no birth. It is only your body that is born and dies. But you are not aware of your consciousness; you are not conscious of your consciousness. And that is the whole art of meditation: becoming conscious of consciousness itself.




I don't think it will come as a surprise to you that I am a genius especially when it comes observing the ladies. In fact, I took Mona Lisa with me to America just to get her out of Louvre for awhile. It didn't take Mona long to go modern and completely change her image… she is actually smiling for the first time in centuries.

Of course New York City isn't always healthy… Mona and I bumped into her good friend David and looked what happened to him.

In two years in the city, living large on fast food, David's body went completely out of shape.

"Create loving energy around yourself. Love your body, love your mind. Love your whole mechanism, your whole organism. By "love" is meant: accept it as it is, don't try to repress. We repress only when we hate something, we repress only when we are against something. Don't repress, because if you repress, how are you going to watch? And we cannot look eye-to-eye at the enemy; we can look only in the eyes of our beloved. If you are not a lover of yourself you will not be able to look into your own eyes, into your own face, into your own reality.
Watching is meditation, Buddha's name for meditation. 'Watch' is Buddha's watchword. He says: Be aware, be alert, don't be unconscious. Don't behave in a sleepy way. Don't go on functioning like a machine, like a robot.



You can imagine my surprise when Mona dumped me for David. I became so vulnerable and insecure that I just started to let go… to cry, to scream, to let it all hang out… and to my surprise, just like that, I met the gal of my dreams on a full moon night in Times Square… she said she was attracted to my ability to share my feelings in public… I am happy to announce that contrary to overwhelming popular opinion that there is love in America… and I can say from my own authority that love is the answer. 

As you know, America is a melting pot… can you guess what nationality my soul mate is… take a moment and guess where my beloved is from...


Give up?


Okay, take a look...

Chinese family of 3, named Chu, Bu, and Fu decided to immigrate to the United States.
In order to get a visa, they had to adapt their names to American standards...
Chu became Chuck
Bu became Buck

Fu decided to stay in China.

"There is only one secret which is not part of the mind, and that is witnessing, watching. Thoughts are passing, desires are moving, memories are coming and going like clouds in the sky and you are sitting silently simply watching, not doing anything. If you do anything immediately the mind starts functioning. What you do does not matter - doing is part of mind. A non-doing witnessing, just witnessing, as if a mirror goes on witnessing whatsoever passes by - that is awareness. And that awareness takes you beyond the mind. It is true meditation.” 



Laughter is, Krishna Prem.

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I am now 100 years young… my body turns 65 on September 19th and I received sannyas 35 years ago on Valentines day, 1973.

For me meeting Osho was an inner rebirth.

To be honest, I have mixed feelings as its embarrassing growing old in society… and at the same time, it is delightful to grow up.

The good news about meeting Osho is that I act and feel like a 35 year old ‘nothing’ with the maturity of a sixty ‘something’.

“Growing up means moving every moment deeper into the principle of life; it means going farther away from death -- not towards death. The deeper you go into life, the more you understand the immortality within you. You are going away from death; a moment comes when you can see that death is nothing but changing clothes, or changing houses, changing forms -- nothing dies, nothing can die.

Death is the greatest illusion there is..

For growing up, just watch a tree. As the tree grows up, its roots are growing down, deeper. There is a balance: the higher the tree goes, the deeper the roots will go. You cannot have a tree one hundred and fifty feet high with small roots; they could not support such a huge tree.”



When I was a young man it was so easy to learn new tricks.

"In life, growing up means growing deep within yourself -- that's where your roots are.

To me, the first principle of life is meditation. Everything else comes second. And childhood is the best time. As you grow older, it means you are coming closer to death, and it becomes more and more difficult to go into meditation.

Meditation means going into your immortality, going into your eternity, going into your godliness."



As I grew in manhood, I found multi-tasking difficult.

Plus I still find it hard to perform when I get attention… its not easy taking life in my own hands.


Thank heavens I have finally learned how to use a condom.

"Man is born only as a potential. If you don't develop your potential, if you don't grow spiritually. The body will go on becoming bigger and bigger, but that is not growth. Growing old is not growing up, growing physically is not growing spiritually. And unless you grow spiritually you are wasting a precious opportunity. Don't waste a single moment in anything else. Do the necessary things, the essential things, but pour more and more energy into watchfulness, awareness. Wake up!” 




I am not the oldest sannyasin… I go to “No Dimensions” Sam, my main man, when I need advice how to act my age… not.


1) You believe in Santa Claus. 
2) You don't believe in Santa Claus. 
3) You are Santa Claus. 
4) You look like Santa Claus.


Remember yesterday, dream about tomorrow, but live today.

Laughter is, Krishna Prem.

"Maturity is a rebirth, a spiritual birth. You are born anew, you are a child again. With fresh eyes you start looking at existence. With love in the heart you approach life. With silence and innocence you penetrate your own innermost core. You are no more just the head. Now you use the head, but it is your servant. First you become the heart, and then you transcend even the heart... Going beyond thoughts and feelings and becoming a pure isness is maturity. Maturity is the ultimate flowering of meditation."



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I have absolutely no idea how this has come to pass, but there is a very good chance that I will be your next President of the United States of America. As a humble New Man, my intention has never been to seek power and prestige, but I am positive that the depth of my dynamic meditation will help me to be the first person in existence not to be corrupted by politics. Please PUSH MY BUTTON on my political billboard below to see a short video on how my campaign is evolving… and take a moment to consider me for the next leader of the free world.

My main opposition is Barack Obama whose campaign slogan is “Yes I Can”. Mine is “Know I Can’t”.

“Enlightenment has nothing to do with knowledge. It is freedom from knowledge, it is absolute transcendence of knowledge. NOT KNOWING IS THE MOST INTIMATE.

An enlightened person is one who has no barrier between him and existence. And knowledge is a barrier. Not knowing unites you. Love is a way of innocence. Innocence is a bridge: knowledge is a wall. Who has ever heard of knowledgeable people becoming enlightened? Enlightenment grows only in the soil of innocence. Innocence means childlike wonder, awe. The enlightened person is one who is continuously wondering -- because he knows nothing, so everything becomes again a mystery. The more you know, the less wonder is in your heart. The more you know, the less you feel the great experience of awe. The knowledgeable person is so burdened that he cannot dance, he cannot sing, he cannot love. For the knowledgeable there is no God, because God only means wonder, awe, mystery.”



I first burst on the public stage when I was nominated for a Nobel Prize for Environmental Science for my profound proof of global warming.

Not only am I renowned scientist, my G.U.R.U. newsletter has been made into a Hollywood movie… Again, PRESS MY BUTTON to see if I am deserving of an academy award. Al Gore has nothing on this New Man.

On a more serious note, here is a map of the world that I have constructed in order give you a feeling for my foreign policy which will guarantee peace on earth and goodwill to men.


My first act as the leader of the free world will be set up Meditation Resorts in every corner of the globe. You, too, can have a room with a view.

No matter what situations life throws at you... No matter how long and treacherous your journey may seem… Remember, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Laughter is, President Krishna Prem.

"The meditator takes life playfully. For him the whole existence is just a beautiful dream and life is acting: do it with totality, but without any seriousness. And if you are not serious then there is never any frustration. If you succeed, good; if you fail, good. Neither failure brings misery nor success brings euphoria; one takes both things with deep equanimity. One remains undisturbed by success or failure; one remains absolutely unmoved, centered, grounded. Meditation makes you the center of the cyclone."



Ps… You are invited to my new improved website at



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One day your prince will come… and if you still believe that ladies, simply kiss me on the lips and I will jump right out on your computer screen onto your lap… and we will live happily ever after.

Thank heavens, existence loves you to death.

"There has never been a person like you before, there is nobody else like you right now in the whole world, and there will never be anybody like you. Just see how much respect god has paid to you. You are a masterpiece -- unrepeatable, incomparable, utterly unique. Even the hardest heart, the rocklike heart, will start melting in gratitude. Tears will start flowing, tears of bliss and joy, tears which laugh." 



Its just not simple to find true love… my feeling is that men and women are simply wired differently. Enclosed is scientific proof that a woman’s mind and a man’s mind are diametrically opposite.

Have you ever wondered how a woman's brain works? It's finally explained here in one easy-to-understand illustration:

Every one of those little blue balls is a thought about something that needs to be done, a decision, or a problem that needs to be solved.

A man, of course, has only 2 balls and they take up all his thoughts.

The problem all began when God gave men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time.

So ladies, once and for all, this is what men are like…


 1. Men are like Laxatives. They irritate the crap out of you.

2. Men are like Bananas. The older they get, the less firm they are.

3. Men are like Weather. Nothing can be done to change them.

4. Men are like Blenders. You need One, but you're not quite sure why.

5. Men are like Chocolate Bars. Sweet, smooth, & they usually head right for your hips.

 6. Men are like Commercials . You can't believe a word they say.

7. Men are like Department Stores. Their clothes are always 1/2 off!

8. Men are like Government Bonds. They take soooooooo long to mature.

9. Men are like Mascara. They usually run at the first sign of emotion.

10. Men are like Popcorn. They satisfy you, but only for a little while.

11. Men are like Snowstorms. You never know when they're coming, how many inches you'll get or how long it will last.

 12. Men are like Lava Lamps. Fun to look at, but not very bright.

13. Men are like Parking Spots. All the good ones are taken, the rest are handicapped.

But don’t feel bad guys…

"Make a small experiment with your own pains, sufferings and miseries. And once you have found the key, then you can share it with the whole existence. Then you can take all the suffering of all the world, or all the worlds. Ride on the incoming breath and your small heart is bigger than the whole universe, if you know what miracles it can do. And then pour out your blessings. It is the same energy passing through your heart that becomes bliss, that becomes a blessing. Then let blessings go riding on the outgoing breath to all the nooks and corners of existence. This is compassion. Compassion is to become a transforming force in existence -- transforming the ugly into the beautiful, kissing the frog and transforming it into a prince, transforming darkness into light. To become such a medium of transformation is compassion."



Dear Osho, Krishna Prem here… I recently became all compassionate. I walked down the busy footpath, knowing I was late for an important meeting. My eye fell upon one of those unfortunate, homeless vagabonds that are found in every city these days. Wearing what can only be describes as rags, carrying every worldly possession in two plastic bags, my heart was touched by this person's condition.

Some people turned to stare. Others quickly looked away as if the sight would somehow contaminate them. Recalling some long ago Sunday school admonition to 'care for the sick, feed the hungry, and clothe the naked.' I was moved by some powerful inner urge to reach out to this unfortunate person.

Yes, where some people saw only rags, I saw a hidden beauty. A small voice inside my head called out, 'Reach out, reach out and touch this person'!

Scroll down.....

So I did.....

I won't be at Dynamic Meditation any time soon.

Laughter is, Krishna Prem

Ps… You are invited to my new improved website at


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As Above, So Below

High, Krishna Prem here. I simply love looking at the sky to get an idea how to live on planet earth. Nature can be so warming.


“The ancient saying, ‘As above, so below,’ contains one of the most fundamental truths about mysticism. It means that there is no above, no below, that existence is one.

Divisions are created by the mind.

Existence is divisionless.” Osho

I remember way back when I was just a young bird… I never listened to anyone, I sang my own song… and when I built a nest in the wrong spot, I simply flew the coop… I never faked it… I just broke out, singing bye bye birdie at the top of my lungs.

“If you are getting more and more miserable, then you are on the trip of being an egomaniac. If you are becoming more and more tranquil, silent, happy, together, then you are on another trip -- the trip of self-love. If you are on the trip of ego you will become destructive to others -- because the ego tries to destroy the 'thou'. If you are moving towards self-love, the ego will disappear. And when the ego disappears, you allow the other to be himself or herself; you give total freedom. If you don't have any ego you cannot create an imprisonment for the other you love; you cannot create a cage. You allow the other to be an eagle in the high heavens. You allow the other to be himself or herself; you give total freedom. Love gives total freedom. Love IS freedom -- freedom for you and freedom for the object of your love. Ego is bondage -- bondage for you and bondage for your victim.

In fact, it is the sexual energy itself that transforms into your enlightenment.” Osho

I often feel like I am soaring like an eagle when I meditate…or maybe I am just dreaming…anyway I was flying high over head recently when I looked down on our blue planet when I spotted thousands of sheep… I got so excited my eyes began playing tricks on me…as I swooped down, the sheep turned out to be thousands of naked volunteers posing for U.S. photographer Spencer Tunick at Mexico City's Zocalo square, the heart of the ancient Aztec empire.

As an eagle, I was disappointed that mankind was acting like sheep, but as a man I got quite excited. Gravity whisked me towards the ground… when I was ten feet above the 1000 naked humans, I swore I spotted Marilyn Monroe and I proceeded to close my eyes as I came in for a crash landing. I felt like I was candle blowing in the wind. I made mad passionate meditation to Marilyn.

You can imagine my surprise when I rolled over and found out I am not an Einstein. . 

When you look at this picture up close it looks like it's Albert Einstein. But if you stand ten feet away, it will become Marilyn Monroe. Get off your computerized ass and see for yourself.

I made an innocent mistake. Thank heavens I was meditating, I mean dreaming.


“Remembering the self, the self will disappear. The more you remember, the more you will find it is not there.

Forgetting the self is the same. You are beyond yourself; don't cling to your "I", to your ego, to your personality. Just drop clinging to this cage, move out of the cage, and the whole sky is yours. Open your wings and fly across the sun like an eagle.

In the inner sky, in the inner world, freedom is the highest value -- everything else is secondary, even blissfulness, ecstasy. There are thousands of flowers, uncountable, but they all become possible in the climate of freedom.” Osho

I am not an Einstein, but I am tuned into nature and her little critters… and learning as much as possible from my friends.

Laughter is, Krishna Prem

Ps… An elephant asks a camel: "Why are your breasts on your back?"

"Well" says the camel, "I think that' s a strange question coming from somebody whose dick is on his face."


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