Krishna Prem


Be honest, did you see the words love and hate embedded in the picture above?

"People who are always in love and never hate, never get angry, you will always find superficial -- because if you don't move to the opposite, from where will you gain depth? Depth comes through a movement to the opposite. Love is hate. In fact, we should not use the words love and hate, we should use a single word: lovehate. A love relationship is a lovehate relationship -- and it is beautiful! Nothing is wrong in hate, because it is through hate that you gain love. Nothing is wrong in being angry, because it is through anger that you come to a silent stillness.Through the opposite, through the tension of the opposite, everything lives -- and becomes deeper. Go away so that you can come near; move to the opposite so that you can come closer again." Osho

No worries…if you did not see the words love and hate, take a deep satisfying breath…and take the simple eye examination below.

And here is an eye exam for the men to see if they can see how beautiful their beloveds are.

"I am introducing a totally new vision, that men and women together in deep friendship, in a loving, meditative relationship, as organic wholes, can reach the goal any moment they want. Because the goal is not outside you; it is the center of the cyclone, it is the innermost part of your being. But you can find it only when you are whole, and you cannot be whole without the other.
Man and woman are two parts of one whole. So rather than wasting time in fighting, try to understand each other. Try to put yourself in the place of the other; try to see as a man sees, try to see as a woman sees. And four eyes are always better than two eyes - you have a full view; all four directions are available to you. But one thing has to be remembered: that without meditation, love is destined to fail; there is no possibility of its being a success." Osho

And a question for my women friends…are you not waiting for the perfect man?

And before you guys die laughing <and alone>, is it not true that you have reduced love to a mathematical equation?

“The female mind has a grace, the male mind has efficiency. and of course, in the long run, if there is a constant fight, the grace is bound to be defeated - the efficient mind will win. because the world understands the language of mathematics not of love. But the moment your efficiency wins over your grace, you have lost something tremendously valuable: you have lost contact with your own being.” Osho

In truth, numbers do not always add up.


Smart man + smart woman = romance
Smart man + dumb woman = affair
Dumb man + smart woman = marriage
Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy

This cartoon in the New Yorker Magazine simply sums up the marriage dilemma.

"Particularly men and women don't agree because they have different minds, they have totally different attitudes about things. They function from different centers. So it is absolutely natural that they don't agree easily, but nothing is wrong with it. And when you accept a person and you love a person, you also love his or her disagreements. You don't start fighting, you don't start manipulating; you try to understand the other's point of view. And even if you cannot agree, you can agree to disagree." Osho

Lovehate is, Krishna Prem

Ps… This is AMAZING! Until now I never fully understood how to tell the difference between male and female birds. I always thought it had to be determined surgically...until now. Below are two birds. Study them closely... See if you can spot which of the two is the female. It can be done. Even by one with limited bird watching skills.


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“Women are from Venus, Men are from Penus”

In a past life, I was in an impossible relationship with a gal named Eve… I simply couldn’t figure her out… God came to my rescue.

“It is good that neither men understand women, nor women understand men. There is no need for knowledgeability. What is needed is enough space for each other, so that your secrets and your mysteries remain hidden. It is because of that mystery that you have fallen in love. If you demystify the woman, the love may also disappear.” Osho

I became so obsessed with my new machinery that I reincarnated as a rabbit…

In my next reincarnation, I was again born in a man’s body… but I became a priest and gave my best to repress my sexual energy until that fateful day…

A group of monks sat in the great hall of a monastery and copied down holy scriptures day after day and year after year. One day a new monk arrived to the monastery; he was more curious and more eager to gain new knowledge than the others. He saw that for centuries monks had copied copies written by earlier scribes, so that nobody had seen the authentic scripts for times immemorial. He went to the abbot and asked where the original manuscripts were held and was taken into a great vault in the basement of the monastery. The abbot left the monk to study the manuscripts alone in peace.

After a long day the abbot started to wonder what had happened to the young monk, who hadn't come back from the manuscript vault. He went down and found the monk crying and banging his head against the wall. "What's the matter? What has happened?, the abbot requested. The monk answered: "Oh, those stupid analphabets! It is "celebrate", not "celibate”.

Now that I am free to celebrate, I decided to become a scientist to figure out exactly what makes a woman tick…

“The only difference between man and woman is this: that the woman has the consciousness of a woman and the unconscious of a man, and the man has the consciousness of a man and the unconscious of a woman. But BOTH are both!” Osho

When it finally dawned on me that I couldn’t figure out the female species I began to relax in not knowing. It was like music to my ears…

“Men and women are different worlds; hence it is difficult to understand each other. And the past has been full of misunderstandings, but that is not necessarily to be so in the future. We can learn a lesson from the past, and the only lesson is that man and woman have to become more understanding of each other and more accepting of each other's differences. Those differences are valuable, they need not create any conflict; in fact, they are the causes of attraction between them. If all the differences between men and women disappear, if they have the same kind of psychology, love will also disappear because the polarity will not be there. Man and woman are like negative and positive poles of electricity: they are pulled towards each other magnetically; they are opposite poles. Hence, conflict is natural. But through understanding, through compassion, through love, through looking into the other's world and trying to be sympathetic to it, all the problems can be solved. There is no need to create more conflict - enough is enough.” Osho

After many lifetimes of unrequited love, I am now completely surrendered to the opposite sex… and have finally come to grips with the secret of evolution…

I don’t trust my own enlightenment, especially when it comes to women, so I woke up my good old friend Genie… and put it to him quite simply, how can I make myself irresistible to the modern Eve… and without hesitation, he whipped the wisdom of the ages on me…

In all seriousness, are you aware that there is more money being spent on breast implants and Viagra today than on Alzheimer's research. This means that by 2040, you will be a citizen of a large elderly population with perky boobs and huge erections with absolutely no recollection of what to do with them.

Laughter is, Krishna Prem

Ps… I have added a video page to my website so that you can catch a glimpse of Osho, the Osho International Meditation Resort and yours truly while you are surfing the net at work… enjoy.

Click here for videos of Osho

Osho International Meditation Resort

& of course remember to check me out on YouTube

Search Krishna Prem on YouTube for more videos


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“The Golden Rule”

"This is the golden rule: Before you die, share whatsoever you have. If you are of a sound mind you will share your whole life. Before you die, spend yourself in love." Osho

Krishna Prem here and I just want to explain why I want to live my next life backwards:

You start out dead and get that out of the way.

Then you wake up in an old age home feeling better
every day.

Then you get kicked out for being too healthy. 

Enjoy your retirement and collect your pension.

"Live when life is there. Be committed to the earth while on the earth; die when death comes. Move with life and move with death. Dying, don't cling to life. Dying, don't resist death; dying, die. Living, live; dying, die. Let the moment be total. Float with it, be committed to it. When death comes, then don't be sad. Then accept death. Then accept it with such totality that even death cannot kill you.
A total person cannot be killed, and a divided person never lives. A total person is already beyond death. Totality is beyond death." Osho

Then when you start work, you get a gold watch on
your first day.

You work 40 years until you're too young to work.

You get ready for high school: drink alcohol,
party, and you're generally promiscuous.

Then you go to primary school, you become a kid,
you play, and you have no responsibilities.

Then you become a baby,

You spend your last 9 months floating peacefully in
luxury, in spa-like conditions - central heating, room service
on tap, and then...

You finish off as an orgasm.

"Unless you become alert and aware IN life, unless you change the quality of your living, you will not die consciously. And only a conscious death can bring you to a conscious birth; and then a far more conscious life opens its doors." Osho

Ps… If you want to see me come alive, then YouTube Me Baby... simply put your mouse over my picture… and enjoy.

See more of Krishna Prem's videos HERE


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Hello Friends, are not these beloved Otters holding hands a beautiful example of intimacy?

“People are afraid of deep intimacy. People's love affairs are just hit-and-run affairs. They don't go deep into each other's being because going deep into each other's being, the fear is there - because the other's pool of being will reflect you. In that pool, in that mirror of the other's being, if you are not found, if the mirror remains empty, if it reflects nothing, then what? Intimacy simply means that the doors of the heart are open for you, you are welcome to come in and be a guest.” Osho

When I close my eyes and imagine being intimate with a friend, more often then not I find myself doing mental gymnastics, with intimacy being the furthest thing from my mind.

“Sex is meaningful only when out of lust, love is born. Love is meaningful only when out of love, prayer is born. If your sex remains just sexuality, a circular repetition, a mechanical thing that you go on doing, then you will remain meaningless. Because sex is your energy; it has to be transformed. It is very crude, it is raw material. Much has to be done on it. It is a raw diamond. You have to cut it, you have to polish it, you have to give it a shape and a form. You have to give it beauty. It depends on you.” Osho

I am making a conscious decision from this moment on to discover the difference between me and the entire opposite sex.


“Relationship becomes a mirror. The woman starts looking into you and starts finding her own masculine part; the man looks into the woman and starts discovering his own femininity. And the more you become aware of your feminine - the other pole - the more whole you can be, the more integrated you can be. When your inner man and your inner woman have disappeared into each other, have become dissolved into each other, when they are no longer separate, when they have become one integrated whole, you have become an individual.” Osho

I don’t want this to happen to me in my “older” age. I promise to be even more loving then I already am…starting tomorrow!

“Tantra says: Awareness is the way. Indulgence is mechanical, repression is mechanical; both are mechanical things. The only way out of mechanical things is to become aware, alert. Don't go to the Himalayas, bring a Himalayan silence within you. Don't escape, become more awake.” Osho

I am determined to change my position…and be more loving and intimate from this moment…after all, I am love…Krishna Prem

“Sex does not touch you at all. It is mechanical. It is just physiological. Love brings your heart into relationship - and when the heart is in relationship there is always pain. But don't avoid the pain. If you avoid the pain, you will miss all pleasures of life.” Osho


Laughter is, Krishna Prem


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“Melting in Love”

“Love melts the frozen self. The self is like an ice cube, love is like the morning sun. The warmth of love...and the self starts melting. The more you love yourself the less you will find of the self in you, and then it becomes a great meditation, a great leap into God.” Osho

Let’s face it, its not easy being a man, especially if you are like me. I have grown old without growing up. It is difficult for me to admit that my ‘small brain’ is still my boss. I have decided to use my newsletter to expose myself in public on behalf of all men, once and for all, in order to grow in love and awareness. My understanding is that if I come clean with you gals, the truth will set me free. To begin with, let me show you a recent CAT scan of my brain. Observe what is on my mind morning, noon and night.

“Love yourself, love immensely, and in that very love your pride, your ego and all that nonsense, will disappear. And when it has disappeared your love will start reaching to other people. And it will not be a relationship but a sharing. And it will not be an object/subject relationship but a melting, a togetherness. It will not be feverish; it will be a cool passion. It will be warm and cool together. It will give you the first taste of the paradoxicalness of life.” Osho

Really gals, you have no idea how difficult it is to think hard and straight and have my mind on my machinery at the same time…


In all seriousness, it took me years to grow my balls back after my last serious ‘relationshit.’

“Whenever you say ‘I love you’ to a person, the love is lost. The love has already gone because the lover has come in. How can love exist when the division, the manager, has come in? It is the mind which says ‘I love you,’ because, really, in love there is no I and no thou. In love there are no individuals. Love is a melting, a merging, they are not two.” Osho

Really my last good relationship was lifetimes ago as a squirrel living in Central Park in New York City. I was head over nuts in love.

In all seriousness, it took me years to grow my balls back after my last serious 'relationshit'.

Ladies, on behalf of all immature men worldwide, I truly hope I have a snowball's chance in hell in growing up and earning your respect.


“When two persons are happy, they become one. That's why in love oneness happens and lovers start feeling that they are not two. They are two, but they start feeling they are not two because in love they are so happy that a melting happens. They melt into each other; they flow into each other. Boundaries dissolve, definitions are blurred, and they don't know who is who. In that moment they become one. When you are happy, you can flow into others and you can allow others to flow in you: this is what celebration means. When you allow everybody to flow in and you flow into everybody, you are celebrating life. And celebration is the greatest prayer, the highest peak of meditation.”


Laughter is, Krishna Prem


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I like a good movie... I simply love escaping from the “real world”. But do not get me wrong. My life is not about becoming a movie star. As a ‘far in’ meditator, I am now interested in me watching myself watching the movie. This is deep shit. As I do not want you to miss the art of watching yourself watch the movie, I wish to quote Osho below.

“You are lost in your dreams. Your subjectivity is completely engulfed by the dreams. It is just like when you go to see a movie. You know well that there is nothing on the screen. Still, you get deceived. When the movie starts, the screen is full of pictures. Just a play of light and darkness, just very subtle dream-stuff, and you are lost. You forget yourself. You forget the spectator, you become part of it. Sometimes you cry and weep when some tragedy happens on the screen. You follow all that is happening on the screen. There is nothing happening, but for two hours, you are completely lost. Buddha is one who becomes awakened in a movie house and suddenly shakes himself and understands that there is nothing -- only a wide screen covered with white and black shades; just covered with false, dreamlike stuff. He laughs -- not at what he is seeing; he laughs at himself -- and comes back home.” 


Remember: Life is not a dress rehearsal!

Every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

Today's Message of the Day is:

Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.

“This is the time for everybody to meditate. This is the time that, except for meditation, nothing can help you to get out of your misery. And meditation is a simple phenomenon. Just whenever you have time, sit silently, doing nothing. Relax, close your eyes, watch your thoughts as if you are watching a movie on the screen. You are just a watcher. If you can watch your thoughts just as if they are moving there on the screen, and you are not involved in them, they start dispersing. It is your involvement that gives them life energy. When you withdraw yourself and become just a witness, thoughts start falling, like leaves which are dead start falling from the trees. Soon you will be surprised, the screen is empty. Consciousness coming back to the original source is what I call enlightenment. This blissfulness is something that happens here and now.”



As far as I am concerned, awareness happens instantly when you know your shit. Come to think about it, shit is simply THE MOST FUNCTIONAL ENGLISH WORD. 


Well, it's shit ... that's right , shit ! 
Shit may just be the most functional word in the English language.

You can smoke shit, buy shit, sell shit, lose shit, find shit, forget shit, and tell others to eat shit.

Some people know their shit, while others can't tell the difference between shit and shineola.

There are lucky shits, dumb shits, and crazy shits. There is bull shit, horse shit, and chicken shit.M:

You can throw shit, sling shit, catch shit, shoot the shit, or duck when the shit hits the fan.

You can give a shit or serve shit on a shingle. 

:You can find yourself in deep shit or be happier than a pig in shit. 

Some days are colder than shit, some days are hotter than shit, 
and some days are just plain shitty.

Some music sounds like shit, things can look like shit, 
and there are times when you feel like shit. 

You can have too much shit, not enough shit, the right shit, 
the wrong shit or a lot of weird shit. 

You can carry shit , have a mountain of shit, 
or find yourself up shit creek without a paddle. 

Sometimes everything you touch turns to shit and other times 
you fall in a bucket of shit and come out smelling like a rose. 

When you stop to consider all the facts, 
it's the basic building block of the English language. 

And remember, once you know your shit, you don't need to know anything else!

Shit happens... And once you are aware of this essential truth, 
a shift happens in your consciousness.

Laughter is, Krishna Prem


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“My understanding is that whatsoever is given to you is precious. So you have to find ways to transform it. You have to make your love more prayerful, you have to make your sex more loving. Slowly slowly, sex has to be transformed into a sacred activity. Rather than sex pulling you down into the mire of animality, you can pull sex upwards. Just as it can bring a new child into the world, it can give a new birth to you.” 


“Besides, sex is down right good for you... whether or not sex leads to love or aloneness, don’t stop until you are healthy as hell.” Krishna Prem

1. Sex is a beauty treatment. Scientific tests find that when women make love they produce amounts of the hormone estrogen, which makes hair shine and skin smooth. 

2. Gentle,  relaxed lovemaking reduces your chances of suffering dermatitis, skin rashes and blemishes. The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow.

3. Lovemaking can burn up those calories you piled on during that romantic dinner.

4. Sex is one of the safest sports  you can take up. It stretches and tones up just about every muscle in the body. It's more enjoyable than swimming  20 laps, and you don't need special sneakers! 

5. Sex is an instant cure for mild depression.It releases endorphins into the bloodstream, producing a sense of euphoria  and leaving you with a feeling of well-being.

6. The more sex you have, the more you will be offered.  The sexually active body gives off greater quantities of chemicals called pheromones. These subtle sex perfumes drive the opposite sex crazy! 

7. Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world. IT IS 10 TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE THAN VALIUM. 

8. Kissing  each day will keep the dentist away.  Kissing encourages saliva to wash food from the teeth and lowers the level of the acid that causes decay, preventing plaque build-up. 

9. Sex actually relieves headaches.  A lovemaking session can release the tension that restricts blood vessels in the brain.

10. A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose.Sex is a natural antihistamine. It can help combat asthma and hay fever.

“Love and meditation.
Love is the feminine way and meditation is the masculine way.
Meditation means the capacity to be absolutely alone, and love means the capacity to be absolutely together.
Love means rejoicing relatedness; meditation means rejoicing solitude, aloneness.
Both do the same work, because on both the paths the ego disappears.” 



Plus making love is a great way to lose weight. Here is my very own personal scientific study. .

Subject: Calories burned during sex


With her consent.................................12 Calories 
Without her consent...........................2,187 Calories


With an erection..................................6 Calories
Without an erection...........................3,315 Calories


Missionary..................................12 Calories
69 lying down...............................78 Calories
69 standing up.............................812 Calories
Wheelbarrow................................216 Calories 
Doggy Style..... .............................326 Calories
Italian chandelier..........................2,912 Calories

ORGASMS: Real........................................112
Calories Fake..........................................1,315 Calories


Lying in bed hugging.............................18
Calories Getting up immediately.........................36 Calories
Explaining why you got out of bed immediately...816 Calories


If you are:
20-29 years......................................36 Calories
30-39 years......................................80 Calories
40-49 years......................................124 Calories 
50-59 years...................................1,972 Calories
60-69 years...................................7,916 Calories
70 and over........................Results are still pending


Calmly..........................................32 Calories
In a hurry.......................................98 Calories
With her father knocking at the door..........5,218 Calories
With her husband knocking at the door......8,775 Calories 
With your wife knocking at the door..........13,521 Calories

Results may vary.

“Be alert! Meditate in the morning and then go to your office. Meditate and then make love! Don't create any dichotomy, don't create any conflict. Don't say, "Now how can I love? I am a meditator." And life consists of being alive -- changing, moving. Life is dynamic, it is not dead. There are two types of dead people in the world: dead on the periphery and dead on the center. Become the third type: alive in between; go on moving from the center to the periphery, from the periphery to the center. They are enriching to each other. Just watch! If you meditate and then make love, your love will have a tremendously new depth to it. Love and then meditate and suddenly you will see: when your energy is full of love, meditation goes so deep and so easily. You simply ride on the wave -- you need not make any effort. You simply float and reach higher and higher and higher. Once you understand the rhythm of the polar opposites, then there is no fear.’’ 


Sad! Very, very sad...................

Right now, as you read this, 30 Million friends around the world are having SEX!

And you're on the computer!


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"If you are sad you are wrong; if you are joyful you are right" Osho

High Friends,

I just completely changed my website… check it out when you are free.

I am pleased to announce that a book by the same name as my newsletter is "nearly" ready for publication. And I have included the first chapter in my new website to give you a sneak preview. Enjoy. The book is being written for "spiritual virgins", not great meditators like ourselves. My heart opens for young friends of all ages who are new to Osho and meditation. Feel free to share my chapter one with your friends who are interested in becoming who they already are.

Love is, Krishna Prem

Ps... I just came across a cartoon "The Unpredictable Master" drawn by Yatri for the Osho Times which flooded me with memories of my first moments with Osho.

I prepared for my trek in the Himalayas by taking a job as a hod-carrier for a bricklayer just outside of London. My college degree in Jewish Engineering (B.S. in Business Administration >from Boston University) did nothing to prepare me for climbing up a ladder with 8 bricks under my arm, day in and day out. I became absolutely muscle bound... I actually reached the point that my legs became the strongest part of my body... even stronger then my tongue. <Are you aware that the tongue is the strongest muscle in your body>. 

I began my journey to the base camp of Mt. Everest in Goa. In the 70's, the trip from the beaches of Goa to the mountain peaks of Nepal was called the Hippy Trail. In Goa I added a bronze color to my English brawn.

And on my way from there to there, I met Osho in the here and now. I joined him in a meditation camp in the desert outside of Mumbai... and took sannyas immediately. Falling in love was easy... rising in love is another matter altogether.

I immediately got a job as Osho's bodyguard which was a blissful way to be close to him. It was a simple leela as my job was to keep a small crowd <there were only 200 friends at the meditation camp in those days> from crushing him with well wishes. 

After the camp, I took off for the mountains.

Gosh, I was a happy camper... in love, I charged up and down the mountains with reckless abandon... the Himalayas are actually young mountains and are still growing... and the mountains brought out the little boy in me... I didn't know how to pace myself and proceeded to go crazy and get dehydrated to the point that I lost two English stones... or about 28 pounds of muscle before I rejoined Osho in Rajasthan at the next meditation camp.

When I went in to see Osho for darshan, I never saw his eyes so big... almost like he was asking himself where did I leave my body... my days as a body guard were numbered, but rest assured, there is always dishes to wash.

“Live in the market-place and create a Himalaya in the heart. Become silent in the noise. So be in the world, but don't let the world be in you. Love, and yet don't be lost in it. Relate, and yet be alone, utterly alone. Know perfectly well that all relationship is a game. Play the game and play it as beautifully as possible and as skillfully as possible. A game is after all a game and has to be played beautifully. And follow all the rules of the game, because a game cannot exist without rules. But remember always that it is just a game. Don't become attached to it. Don't become serious in it. Always allow the sense of humor to remain alive in you. Remain sincere but non-serious. And then, slowly slowly, you will see that the polarities are disappearing." 



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“Monkey See, Monkey Doo Doo”

In my past life as a chimp, I was quite curious about my body and my bodily functions... live and learn has always been the law of the jungle whether the jungle be green or asphalt in nature. 

As a young man in this lifetime, I looked like the missing link... due largely to the fact that I so recently evolved from the animal kingdom, the resemblance to my monkey ancestors was difficult to mask... in fact, I was known as “hairy krishna”.

As I grew older, I became more comfortable in my own skin... and I have now mastered the art of talking to my body.

I recently asked my body who is in charge.

All the organs of the body were having a meeting, 
trying to decide who was the one in charge. 


"I should be in charge," said the brain , 
"Because I run all the body's systems, 
so without me nothing would happen."

"I should be in charge," said the blood , 
"Because I circulate oxygen all over 
so without me you'd all waste away."

"I should be in charge," said the stomach," 
Because I process food and give 
all of you energy."

"I should be in charge," said the legs
"because I carry the body wherever 
it needs to go."

"I should be in charge," said the eyes
"Because I allow the body to see 
where it goes."

"I should be in charge," said the rectum 
"Because I'm responsible for 
waste removal."

All the other body parts laughed at the rectum 
And insulted him, so in a huff, 
he shut down tight.

Within a few days, 
the brain had a terrible headache, 
the stomach was bloated, 
the legs got wobbly, 
the eyes got watery, 
and the blood Was toxic. 
They all decided that the 
rectum should be the boss. 
The Moral of the story? 
The asshole is usually in charge !!


“Regain feeling -- less thought, more feeling. Live more by heart, less by head. Sometimes, live totally in the body; forget about soul. Live totally in the body -- because if you cannot even feel your body, you are not going to feel your soul. Remember this. Come back into the body. We are really hanging around the body; we are not in the body. Everyone is afraid to be in the body. Society has created the fear; it is deep-rooted. Go back into your body; move again; be like an innocent animal.

Look at animals jumping, running. Sometimes run and jump like them, then you will come back to your body. Then you will be able to feel your body, the rays of the sun, the rains, and the wind blowing. Only with this capacity of being aware of all things happening around you will you develop the capacity to feel what is happening within.”



As a meditator, I have often wondered if animals are conscious... is a monkey conscious... or is it that consciousness has the monkey... I do not know, but it really looks like my friend of old is going deep in meditation... click on “watch video” and see for yourself.

watch video

“Man is man only because of the desire to surpass himself... that very desire is his humanness. Animals have no desire to transcend themselves. A dog is perfectly happy being a dog. He does not want to become a god, he does not want to become anything else. A rose is perfectly happy being a rose.

It is the privilege, the prerogative, only of man -- his agony and his ecstasy -- that he wants to reach beyond, he wants to go above himself, he wants to do the impossible. That's his specific adventure. That adventure makes him human. He has to live in this search, as this search.”




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I have been aware of global warming ever since my past life as a penguin. After a hard day of work on the iceberg, I was sleep walking on my way to the Buddha Auditorium for Kundalini Meditation when I passed Master Peng Nansen who gave me a zen hit as he exhorted, “When walking, walk with awareness.”

Needless to say, the cold water woke me up. I remember saying to myself, “A few years ago, I would have broken my nose on the ice.”

Global warming is real... the ice is melting and the oceans are warming... and this summer in Europe, especially in England, it is raining floods.

Now, in this carnation as a human being, I have the same feeling I had as a hapless penguin... now, more then ever before, we all need to treat Planet Earth with respect.

Planet Earth is young and alive... and deserves to be treated like a new born.

 Just yesterday, after a particularly strong Dynamic Meditation, I looked to the heavens and asked Mother Nature, “Are we human beings doing our part to protect our little planet to insure our home is safe for future generations?”

 Here is Her answer:

Nature can be so unforgiving. I immediately put in a call to India and asked my friends at the Environment Agency there to dispatch two trucks of Monsoon Professionals to aid England in her moment of moisture... I am happy to say that help is on its way.

No Water, No Moon. 



“Go with emptiness in your hand, because that's all... that's all I can offer to you, and nothing is greater than that. This is my gift: go with emptiness in your hand. If you can carry emptiness in your hand, then everything becomes possible. Don't carry possessions, don't carry knowledge, don't carry anything that fills the pot and becomes the water, because then you will be seeing only the reflection. In wealth, in possessions, in houses, in cars, in prestige, you will see only the reflection of the full moon. And the full moon is there waiting for you.

Let the bottom drop! Don't try this way and that way to protect the old pail. It is not worth it. Don't protect yourself, it is not worth it. Let the pail break down, let the water flow, let the moon in the water disappear, because only then will you be able to raise your eyes towards the real moon. It is always there in the sky -- but emptiness in the hand is needed. Remain more and more empty, think yourself more and more empty, behave more and more as if you are empty. By and by, by and by, you will have the taste of it. And once the taste comes, it is so beautiful.

Once you know the taste of emptiness, you have known the very meaning of life. Carry emptiness, drop the pail of water which is your ego, your mind and your thoughts, and remember: no water, no moon -- emptiness in the hand.”


I am happy to announce that our musician friend, Chinmaya has just completed a film of his concert for the environment of India... and it is available to watch... and listen for free on the "innernet". Simply go to: and enjoy!


“The new humanity will have an ecology in which nature is not to be conquered but lived and loved. We are part of it - how can we conquer it?" 


In addition, two best friends, Amlas and Atmo, have moved from India to the Caribbean to swim with the dolphins... and you are invited to join them in the wild... check out

Love is, Krishna Prem


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As soon as I popped out of my mother’s womb, I checked myself out to see if I was a boy or a gal. It was fascinating to discover my sexuality. I couldn’t leave myself alone.

Even though, I was thrilled to be a boy, I felt incomplete. I made a conscious decision there and then to meet a soul mate, the woman of my dreams

I decided very early on to study all there is to know about the opposite sex... I secretly read my father’s copy of America’s version of the Karma Sutra. I looked every picture in Playboy up and down until the awful truth was ‘implanted’ in my brain.

As soon as I got to kindergarten, I began to practice what I preach.

By the time I got my driver’s license, I was hell on wheels. 

Upon graduation from college, I went on to experience the THREE STAGES OF A MAN'S LIFE ...............




By 28 years of age, I finally got that I knew nothing at all about women... I gave up totally... and the funniest thing happened... I met the man of my reality, Osho. Osho helped me finally understand my loneliness by pointing out the essential truth to me that love has nothing to do with being with a woman.


“Love has nothing to do with somebody else, it is your state of being. Love is not a relationship. A relationship is possible but love is not confined to it, it beyond it, it is more than that ~ man becomes mature the moment he starts loving rather than needing. He starts overflowing, he starts sharing, he starts giving. And when two mature persons are in love, one of the greatest paradoxes of life happens, one of the most beautiful phenomena… they are together, and yet tremendously alone; they are almost one. But their oneness does not destroy their individuality.” 




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