Krishna Prem

'Okay Maneesha'

Krishna Prem here… as my body turns 72 while you read this very Gee You Are You Newsletter, I feel it is only fitting that I begin to celebrate and laugh with you about our Deaths… you first please. As Osho reminds, “Celebrate death too, because to me death is not the end of life but the very crescendo of life, the very climax. It is the ultimate of life. If you have lived rightly, if you have lived moment to moment totally, if you have squeezed out the whole juice of life, your death will be the ultimate orgasm.” To be honest, I love an orgasm just as much as you but I am not quite ready for the ultimate orgasm. Are you? Thus I am turning over this newsletter in part to Maneesha who is working on this very subject with her good friend Sudheer. Maneesha’s website is a very comprehensive, dynamic, beautiful and user-friendly site – based on Osho’s vision of living and dying consciously. If you prefer, you can also contact Maneesha privately at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Sudheer and Maneesha are co-facilitating, ‘An Experiential Enquiry into Death’ in November (18-22) in Dorset, UK. Check out the video clip by clicking on the picture of Maneesha and Sudheer.

Maneesha & Sudheer

Here is a picture of Maneesha dancing with Osho… Click on Osho below to get an understanding on Osho’s take on Death… IT’S QUITE A THIRD EYE OPENER!

Maneesha & Osho

I recently had a near death experience while dreaming about Tantra, the Supreme Understanding, when suddenly I left my body… what a way to go.

I was immediately buried in my own back yard.

Dead Krishna Prem

Saint Peter met me at the pearly gates… And he asked me my user name and password. "My uses name is Krishna Prem.

Krishna Prem in Heaven

And my password is Penis.” Peter laughed out loud and simply said that my password is too small… I am afraid you will have to return to Planet Earth immediately.

Saint Peter compassionately said the good news is you will meet the woman of your dreams before we meet each other again… I asked Peter if he could show me a picture of my beloved… He said sure enough… And proceeded to show me a picture of a female skeleton!!! Excitedly, I clicked on our picture below hoping to see her in the flesh. You can do the same. Click on my bones.

So I am back with you celebrating my body birthday of September 19… I am now the ripe young age of 72… If you want to give me a present for my birthday, please forward this Maneesha G.U.R.U. Newsletter in full to your friends… or you can just send the link below to your beloveds. Thank you for sharing.

Osho Left His Body, and I Am Still in Mine

Krishna Prem & Jwala

by Krishna Prem

I am an old friend of death. My birth mother left her body when I was one year old and left me with my 15-year-old sister-mother, who left her body and left me with Osho, who also left His body. Death does not surprise me. Death has a look. Osho had that look. What surprises me is living. I can handle death, but I am still mangled by life.

Aloneness rocks my world.

Please go to to read on… Thank you.

Plus I am thrilled to announce my Gee You Are You book is being published in Russia… “Gee” is American slang for “Wow” but Gee doesn’t translate well into Russian… So the new title is “The Cosmic Joke”… And I will see you in Russia next May to lead my Meditation Playshop and introduce my book… Stay tuned.

Maneesha is just backed from Turkey where she lead a group called Squeeze The Juice Out of Life… Please click on the picture below for a perfect example of “Meditation over  Medication”… This video is such a moving example on one woman’s courage in the face of death. A must see.


Here is a life affirmative quote from Osho to ground us… Love is, kp

Osho Quote on Death



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