Krishna Prem


My body is now 73 years old… But as I feel much younger, I go by my Osho age of 43.

When I met Osho, it was just before my 30th birthday. In so many words, Osho said I was the biggest “crowd" he had ever met. That in my loneliness, I had invited everyone I ever loved to live with me… Without ever having said goodbye... In fact he said I was so busy in my mind that I needed Dynamic Meditation to let go of my old lovers so there would be enough room for my new man.

Being a scientist, I had a CAT scan of my mind.


As the medical results were in agreement with Osho’s meditation advice, I threw myself into a 21 day dynamic cleaning of my mind of old attachments.

My next CAT scan after 21 dynamic meditation days indicated the noise in my mind quieted and I was able to make music in the moment with my new lover.

Prelude du fornication

I became such a great lover that I began to get tantra lessons with no one less than the man upstairs.


I know what you are thinking… Krishna Prem is about to announce his next book will be a commentary on Osho’s masterpiece Tantra, the Supreme Understanding.

Becoming a Tantrican, as funny as it may sound, has lead me into my Aloneness. I am now polishing my new book which will be in the bookstores everywhere in the spring…


So please understand this is my last Gee You Are You Newsletter for the time being while I hang out with myself as I ‘right’ my second book... No need to cry... Simply follow me on Facebook as I will continue to post on Facebook often to keep us all from becoming too serious. My Facebook page is If we are not friends already, simply click on the FOLLOW BUTTON and we will always be in touch.

Enjoy my Facebook post about Osho, me and his Dynamic Meditation... Just click on this link...

Osho Dynamic Meditation

I am also keeping a space open for you to do my Meditation Playshop over Skype… In the comfort of your living room… You can also be joined by a beloved… No worries… Just send me an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details… I’d love to spend an hour or 2 with you in the privacy of your own home.

In closing, I just found this seven-second clip of myself in '77 in Music Group in Pune 1… At least I think it’s me as I do not recognise myself with so much hair.

Just click on this link... or the picture below


Love is, KP



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